Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday Afternoon Classes!
Friday afternoon the only class being offered will be at 4:45. I have to be at are church retreat friday night so I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Please come at 4:45 if you can and the class will end about 5:30. Again sorry for the inconvenience.
Trainer WOD today:
Power Snatch/OHS/Snatch Balance - 1.2.3
(start where you wish, take only 45 sec after each set, add no more or no less than 5# per set; how far can you go?)
Split Jerk - 3,3,3,3,3; rest as needed b/t sets
(moderate effort; work on landing)
50,40,30,20,10 rep rounds for time;
Double Unders
Anchored Sit Ups
(start where you wish, take only 45 sec after each set, add no more or no less than 5# per set; how far can you go?)
Split Jerk - 3,3,3,3,3; rest as needed b/t sets
(moderate effort; work on landing)
50,40,30,20,10 rep rounds for time;
Double Unders
Anchored Sit Ups
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Advocare Supplements
Some of you have already started using some advocare supplements and some haven't. You've all seen it in the gym at least. I've been taking some of their products for about a month and love them. As most of you know I've been hitting 2-a-days pretty frequently lately and these supplements have helped me recover quickly and be able to go at my WOD's with full intensity.
If you've already bought some and just want to learn more about the products and the opportunity you have with them or you just flat want to know more about them there is a "mixer" at the flowood library thursday night at 6 p.m. to about 6:30. These are they guys that introduced me to advocare and know a lot more about the products. They will be around well after 6:30 for individual questions for anyone so if interested at all I would advise going.
Any questions let me know.
Trainer WOD
3 sets
12 SDLHP- 60% of BWT
Row 90 sec @ 2k row race pace
rest 2 min
3 sets
12 Thrusters- 50% of BWT
60 sec Double Unders
rest 2 min
3 sets
15 Chin Ups unbroken
20 Box Jumps- 20"/14" unbroken
rest 30 sec
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
9 Basic Movements
Air Squat
Front Squat
Overhead Squat
Push Press
Push Jerk
Dead Lift
Sumo Dead Lift High Pull
Med Ball Clean
How are you on these movements? For november and december we will be drilling these skills a lot and finding a lot of benchmark WOD's. This will allow us to start the new year off with solid skills and good goals.
This week we have reviewed the overhead squat and will continue with the 3 presses and then one of the dead lift variations.
3 more days of the back off week so get your mind right to start pushing hard next week!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday/Monday Trainer WOD's
part 1:A1. OHS @ 32X1; 4-6 x 4; rest 120 sec
notes - ass to grass
A2. Mixed Grip Chin Ups @ 41X1; 3-5 x 4; rest 120 sec
notes - switch grips per set, one hand supinated, one pronated
B1. BB Forward Lunges @ 10X0; 4-5/leg alternating x 3; rest 90 sec
notes - push through heel to get up, alt legs/rep
B2. 1 arm KB Power Row @ 4022; amrap with 1.5/1pd x 3; rest 90 sec
notes - elbows high at top, one hand on bench/support, body in tripod position
part 2:
light jog - 30 sec
90% high effort run - 30 sec
walk - 30 sec
repeat 10 times
maintain same high output speed for run for middle 30 sec
light jog - 30 sec
90% high effort run - 30 sec
walk - 30 sec
repeat 10 times
maintain same high output speed for run for middle 30 sec
part 1:
A1. 3 position power clean - 1.1.1 x 5; rest 120 sec
notes - high hang, knee cap, floor
A2. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X0; 2-3 x 5; rest 120 sec
notes - concentric is explosive; 14" grip
B1. Dead Lift Cluster - x 4; rest 120 sec
notes - 10 sec count b/t reps
B2. Ring Dips - 15 x 4; rest 120 sec
notes - unweighted, work on speed
rest 8+ hours
part 2:
Row 3000 m @ damper 7
Score = ave watts over 3000m divided by your body weight in lbs
(ex. 340 watt ave/170 lbs = score of 2.0; high score wins)
A1. 3 position power clean - 1.1.1 x 5; rest 120 sec
notes - high hang, knee cap, floor
A2. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X0; 2-3 x 5; rest 120 sec
notes - concentric is explosive; 14" grip
B1. Dead Lift Cluster - x 4; rest 120 sec
notes - 10 sec count b/t reps
B2. Ring Dips - 15 x 4; rest 120 sec
notes - unweighted, work on speed
rest 8+ hours
part 2:
Row 3000 m @ damper 7
Score = ave watts over 3000m divided by your body weight in lbs
(ex. 340 watt ave/170 lbs = score of 2.0; high score wins)
Halloween challenge this week. Whoever has the best costume for the week male and female will receive a free original CF 27:17 t-shirt. If you already have this t-shirt you can get the 20% of your next month of training.
This week will be a lighter week for some recovery, we've been going at it hard lately. Train smart this week and focus on technique, get plenty of rest!
November we will be doing a lot of benchmark wod's to see how we stand in 2009 and set some goals for 2010!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Do you have what it takes?
I just witnessed one of the 2 most impressive workouts performed today. The first I just want to mention was one of our newest athletes Kelsey who performed 17-1 Squats and 1-17 sit ups in a blazing 6:33. She started on the squats and 3 of the guys in the gym jaws dropped b/c of how fast she was moving. Great job Kelsey!
The second and possibly the most impressive time was Natalie who did 20-1 Squats and 1-20 Sit Ups in 37:30 which may not sound impressive at first. Natalie has been doing CrossFit for a little over a month and just mastered the "full" squat about a week ago. She has been out of town on vacation the last week. This being her first week back and she came back with just as much heart as ever. She did EVERY squat with full hip extension at the top and touch the medicine ball at the bottom, she did EVERY sit up unassissted. No help from pulling her legs or anything and never even thought about going short on the squat. She never complained kept on keeping on (gave me a few looks like "are you crazy, I'll never finish" but she did.
A lot of people beat Natalie today in the workout but A LOT of people assissted themselves or cut their squats short b/c they said "I can't do anymore like that". Natalie is a great example of never saying "I can't". Mitchell (who also did it all unassissted and full squats) and I were discussing how impressive the workout was after and all she had to say was "I just did what Michael told me to" like there was no option to do anything different. Great Job Natalie!
Intensity is you working at a % of YOUR OWN max capacity, working at the limits of your physiological and phsychological limits. Do you have what it takes to push to the limits of your bodies capacity? Take some time to seriously think about this b/c your bodies limits are a lot farther than your mind wants to think. I don't care how long it takes to do something, I will stay at the gym counting your reps for an hour if your are deteremined and are simply performing the workout as best YOU can.
Post thoughts on intensity and effort to comments. Do you feel like you've been giving 110%? Do you think you could push a little bit harder and maybe get a little better results?
The second and possibly the most impressive time was Natalie who did 20-1 Squats and 1-20 Sit Ups in 37:30 which may not sound impressive at first. Natalie has been doing CrossFit for a little over a month and just mastered the "full" squat about a week ago. She has been out of town on vacation the last week. This being her first week back and she came back with just as much heart as ever. She did EVERY squat with full hip extension at the top and touch the medicine ball at the bottom, she did EVERY sit up unassissted. No help from pulling her legs or anything and never even thought about going short on the squat. She never complained kept on keeping on (gave me a few looks like "are you crazy, I'll never finish" but she did.
A lot of people beat Natalie today in the workout but A LOT of people assissted themselves or cut their squats short b/c they said "I can't do anymore like that". Natalie is a great example of never saying "I can't". Mitchell (who also did it all unassissted and full squats) and I were discussing how impressive the workout was after and all she had to say was "I just did what Michael told me to" like there was no option to do anything different. Great Job Natalie!
Intensity is you working at a % of YOUR OWN max capacity, working at the limits of your physiological and phsychological limits. Do you have what it takes to push to the limits of your bodies capacity? Take some time to seriously think about this b/c your bodies limits are a lot farther than your mind wants to think. I don't care how long it takes to do something, I will stay at the gym counting your reps for an hour if your are deteremined and are simply performing the workout as best YOU can.
Post thoughts on intensity and effort to comments. Do you feel like you've been giving 110%? Do you think you could push a little bit harder and maybe get a little better results?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
New Shirts
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What is your Goat?
We all have one (or 2, 3, etc) "Goat". One of CrossFit's definition of fitness is the Hopper. This is the idea of having a big wheel with any and every exercise in it. CrossFit says someone who is fit is someone who is very good at anything that is pulled out of the hopper, maybe not the best but if they get beat in one exercise/workout they can almost guarantee they won't get beat in the next.
So back to the "goat". This is the exercise/workout(s) in the hopper that you absolutely do not won't to come out. For example the last thing I would want to come out is a dead lift/run workout. I really would want front squats and/or HSPU's to come out b/c i'm relatively good at them.
I want you to think about your "goat" and let's attack it with full force. Every day in the warm-up or cool down practice this in some form or fashion. Many of us can't get into a full Over Head Squat so this would be a great place to start. Everyone needs to be able to get into the OHS.
Post your "goat" and thoughts to comment and let's get after it!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Are you happy?
So guys and girls, every once in a while you need to step back and evaluate your life. Are you happy with where your life is going? Are you happy with your training at CrossFit 27:17?
Are you pleased with your results?
It took me a long time to understand (and I still am trying to understand) that you CAN NOT out train a bad diet. If you're not pleased with your results come talk to me and let's evaluate what we can do differently. Diet is 80% of being healthy and fit so get it right. It's time to quit giving it 100% in the gym only to destroy it during the other 23 hours of the day.
I confess this is my fault for the most part for not putting more of an emphasis on diet from the get go with you guys but it's time to make that change. You may think you're eating good and you may honestly be trying, but if the weight is not coming off like you want then you obviously need to make a change.
"Watching what you eat" is not eating clean. That's just as meaningless to me as someone who comes in for the first time and when I ask if they've been doing any training they say they've been going to Anytime Fitness for the last year (usually translates to I haven't done crap for working out). "Watching what you eat" usually translates to I eat a bunch of carbs a little bit of protein and low fat (crappy diet) which is why you have not seen good results.
If you really want to get serious about it set up a time to meet with me and go over your diet and training. I am your trainer and I want to see results just as bad as you do. If we need to adjust your training I'll do it, if you need something to jumpstart your diet we'll do it.
So please set up a time or send me an email with what you need help with.
Lastly, write down on a sheet of paper your goals for the next 3 months. I want everything from training goals (muscle up) to weight loss or gain goals (lose 20lbs of fat/ gain 10lbs of muscle) to nutrition goals (getting down to one cheat meal a week).
Trainer WOD's... Last of the 2-a-day cycle!
Power Clean - 3,3,3,1,1,1; rest 180 sec b/t sets
Dead Lift - 50% 1RM; 10 sets of 2; 45 sec b/t sets
3 sets of 16 GHD Raises
rest 4+ hours
part 2:
for time;
30 burpees
Row 500m
post loads and notes for part 1 and time for part 2 to comments
include notes as you wish on the past 3 days; rest well
chest to deck and jump and clap overhead on burpees!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Trainer Doubles contined:
part 1:
"flight simulator"
for time;
5 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
50 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
5 unbroken double unders
refer to
rest 4-6 hours
part 2:
2 rounds for time;
25 GHD Sit Ups
20 Ring Dips
25 GHD Sit ups
20 push ups
25 GHD Sit Ups
post times to comments (ex. 8:35 + 16:20)
you MUST break b/t sets of double unders, if you fraction, you start over at that number till its complete
measure distance from outside of one deltoid to another, mark a line this distance apart on the floor, your hands must be inside of these lines for your HSPU
biceps to rings on ring dips - no kipping allowed
feet together and hands under shoulders for push ups, chest to deck
both hands touch floor for GHD Sit Ups
"flight simulator"
for time;
5 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
50 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
5 unbroken double unders
refer to
rest 4-6 hours
part 2:
2 rounds for time;
25 GHD Sit Ups
20 Ring Dips
25 GHD Sit ups
20 push ups
25 GHD Sit Ups
post times to comments (ex. 8:35 + 16:20)
you MUST break b/t sets of double unders, if you fraction, you start over at that number till its complete
measure distance from outside of one deltoid to another, mark a line this distance apart on the floor, your hands must be inside of these lines for your HSPU
biceps to rings on ring dips - no kipping allowed
feet together and hands under shoulders for push ups, chest to deck
both hands touch floor for GHD Sit Ups
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Guys doing pull ups/ girls doing some swings! Great Job on the extended version of helen!
I'll post the board tom (forgot to take a picture)
Trainers WOD (in for a rough weekend of doubles)
part 1:
on a 2 minute timer sprint run 400m and immediately perform AMRAP chin ups with the time you have left in the 2 minutes; rest 3 min, repeat 5 times
rest 8+ hours
part 2:
25 reps for time;
80/55 kg squat clean and jerk
chin ups - chin must break vertical plane; record all of reps completed
C&J - hip crease below knee cap in catch; you must jerk the weight overhead; pressing, thrusting, push pressing not allowed
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Working on some Snatch technique work then some over head squatting and pull ups today
Trainers have a double wod today.
a.m. Row 300m at 100% x 6 w/ 3 min rest
p.m. A. On the minute for 10 minutes perform 1 high hang squat snatch, 1 hang squat snatch, and 1 full squat snatch with 60% of 1RM snatch
rest 7 min
B1. OHS max reps w/ 60% of 1RM snatch x 3, 180 sec rest
B2. 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 3, 180 sec rest
Monday, October 5, 2009
How are your results?
Due to some clients who will remain nameless thinking I want this blog to be about Tyler and I, I'm somewhat reverting back to the original plan.
This blog will contain the "movements" for the clients WOD's but rep scheme/weight/time domain will differ from class to class due to different needs.
Also, the w/u will be same for each class but skill/strength work will change for different classes (maybe even different clients within each class)
Also, I will be posting more food for thought on here. So this blog will still be about the clients but in a different way. I want you to continue to keep up with it and post comments/questions/concerns about the topics that will be posted in the future.
First topic, what do you think is the most important aspect of the strength and conditioning side of being healthy (as opposed to the nutrition side): gymnastics (good body control), weight lifting (strong squat, dead lift, press, etc.) or cardiovascular endurance?
Knowing the CrossFit answer (all are important) what do you think is most important or the best base of fitness of these 3 areas?
This blog will contain the "movements" for the clients WOD's but rep scheme/weight/time domain will differ from class to class due to different needs.
Also, the w/u will be same for each class but skill/strength work will change for different classes (maybe even different clients within each class)
Also, I will be posting more food for thought on here. So this blog will still be about the clients but in a different way. I want you to continue to keep up with it and post comments/questions/concerns about the topics that will be posted in the future.
First topic, what do you think is the most important aspect of the strength and conditioning side of being healthy (as opposed to the nutrition side): gymnastics (good body control), weight lifting (strong squat, dead lift, press, etc.) or cardiovascular endurance?
Knowing the CrossFit answer (all are important) what do you think is most important or the best base of fitness of these 3 areas?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Road to the Games!


From now on the WOD's posted on the blog Tyler and mine's training for the games. Some of you may already know there is a sectional qualifier for the regional qualifier for the CrossFit Games 2010. Tyler and I both plan on going to the sectional's to see how we stand.
So this blog will be keeping up with our workouts to let you see our training as we get ready for that.
As for the CrossFit 27:17 WOD's, you'll have to wait until you get to the gym to find out.
Also, WOD's may not be the same for every group as I'm going to start tailoring the WOD's for each groups needs so they'll will be a little more specific and seek better results.
A. Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 51x1; 4-6 x 5; rest 180 sec
B1. Power Clean - 3,3,2,2,1; rest 120 sec
B2. Ring Dips - 20 x 5 sets; rest 120 sec
C. GHD Raises - hands at sides @ 2020; 15-20 x 3; rest 120 sec
Friday, October 2, 2009
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