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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fight Gone Bad!!!
3 rounds for reps; rest 1 min b/w rounds
1 minute at each station
Wall Ball
Sumo Dead Lift High Pull, 75/55
Box Jump, 20"
Push Press
Row, Cal

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Friday, August 27, 2010

5 day/week
Front Squat- 5 x 3; every other minute

Pull Ups
Sit Ups

A. 2 Mid-hang muscle snatch + 2 snatch balance; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(weight by feel - perfect MS w max elbow height before turnover, no elbow drop, max hip and knee extension before arms engage; sn bal, punch elbows and hit perfect shoulder blade position)
B. Power snatch + mid-hang snatch; 1.1 x 5 @ 65%; rest 90 sec
(% of higher max (snatch or power snatch))
C. 3 snatch push press + 3 OHS; 3.3 x 4; rest 2 min
(2 sec hold top of each press; 2 sec hold in bottom of each OHS; focus on complete scapular retraction and upward rotation, head through, bar over back of neck; relax hands, let wrists settle in)

7 sets:
Row 90 sec @ 95%
Rest 10 sec
35 double unders
rest 2 min

Testing tomorrow

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Grayson dominating the rope climb at the garage games!

5 day/week
10 sets
A1. Pull Ups- weighted x 3; rest 10 sec
A2. Ring dips- weighted x 3; rest 2 min

A. Halting clean deadlift (3 sec pause at top) + finish @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
(perfect posture; shoulders must stay slightly over the bar during pause. After pause, extend completely slowly, use glutes to slightly hyperextend hips, lean back on heels as much as possible)
B. Clean & jerk - 65%x1x5; 70%x1x5; 75%x1x5: 15 sets x 1 rep and more at end; 1 min b/t sets
(Start at 65% for 5 singles; then 70% for 5 singles; then 75% for 5 singles; these first 15 reps on the minute; If all successful, take up singles gradually AHAP for day off the clock; keep taking up clean or jerk if one fails well before the other)
C. Clean pull; 3 x 5 reps; rest 90 sec
(weight by feel - must have perfect posture (chest up, back arched!) in first pull and speed at the top; should be 90% of clean +)
D. Front squat @ 10X0; 5 x 3 reps @ 80%; rest 2 min

Double tomorrow for performance

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Your newest 2pood athletes. Check out for our athlete profiles and some of the 2pood apparel

5 day/week
4 sets of tabata lunge jumps
5 sets
10 wall ball
60 sec high knee jump rope
rest 90 sec

A. Power clean + mid-hang clean; 1.1 x 5; rest 2 min – 65%
B. 2 Jerk balance + 2 tall split jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(light - work perfect positions)
C. Push press + power jerk + split jerk; 1.1.1 x 4-5; rest 3 min
(Build up to heaviest possible PP; when fail on PP, try to make PJ and SJ; try to do about 4-5 good work sets)

5 sets for run times:
10 burpees AFAP
20 unbroken chin ups
Run 400 m @ 90%
Rest 3:30 b/t sets; (time runs only)

post loads, notes and times to comments

Rest day tomorrow for performance

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lauren laughing during the final WOD at "Survival of the Fittest" b/c she's killing it! Won her heat! Great Job Lauren!!

5 day/ week
Pull Ups strict- 5 x 5; rest 90 sec
5 sets
20 box jumps
20 push ups

3 day/week
Pullups- 3 x amrap; rest as needed
5 sets
30 sec push press
30 sec sumo dead lift high pull
30 sec rest

A. Halting snatch Deadlift (3 sec pause at top) + finish @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
(perfect posture; shoulders must stay slightly over the bar during pause. After pause, extend completely slowly, use glutes to slightly hyperextend hips, lean back on heels as much as possible)
B. Snatch - 65%x1x5 sets; 70%x1x5 sets; 75%x1x5 sets: 15 sets x 1 rep and more at end; 1 min b/t sets
(Start at 65% for 5 singles; then 70% for 5 singles; then 75% for 5 singles; these first 15 reps on the minute; If all successful, take up singles gradually AHAP for day, off the clock)
C. Snatch pull; 3 x 5 reps; rest 90 sec
(weight by feel - must have perfect posture (chest up, back arched!) in first pull and speed at the top; should be 90% of snatch +)
D. Back Squat @ 22X0; 4 x 5 reps; rest 2 min – 75%

Double tomorrow for performance

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dead Lift @ 55% x 3 x 10; on the minute for 10 minutes
Press- 5 x 5; rest 90 sec

Double Unders
Sit Ups

Monday, August 16, 2010

3 day/week WOD
DB Squat Clean
Pull Ups
*Start and finish with Row 500m or Run 400m (one at the start the other at the end)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Angela getting some air!

Tabata Squats, 95#'s
rest 1 min
5 min amrap of 5 unbroken pull ups
rest 1 min
75 Box Jumps, HIGH!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kettle Bells, Box Jumps, Double Unders!

30 Box Jumps
Run 400m
30 Push Ups
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps
Run 400m
30 Push Ups
Run 400m

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dead Lift Strength Work
1 min each; rest 2 min and repeat
Pull Ups
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Dead Lift

Friday, August 6, 2010

Madison swings the 44# KB... 35 was RX'd!!

Front Squat @ 32X0; 3 x 3
10 min amrap
6 hang squat clean
12 pull ups
24 double unders

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sorry for the lack of post this week. Been extremely busy. Will get better

Today's WOD's
5 rounds
Run 400m
15 KBS
10 Ring Push Ups

5 rounds
50 Jump Rope
10 DB Thrusters
10 Pull Ups

Monday, August 2, 2010

Papa Bear...

2 wod's today
Both strength-
Thrusters- 5 x 3; every other minute

Unlimited clients-
15 sec on/45 sec off x 5 cycles
weighted pull ups
(ex. 15 sec thrusters, rest 45 sec, 15 sec pullups, rest 45 sec, 15 sec burpees 45 sec rest, repeat)

3x/week clients-
20 min amrap
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats