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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why adversity?

*10 Purposes We Have Overcome Adversity:

1) To disciple us

-Hebrews 12:10

2) To bring about good in our lives

- “Your Love Never Fails” by: Chris Quilala

- Romans 8:28

3) To prove faith is genuine

-1 Peter 1:6-7; 4:12-13

4) To prune us to bear more fruit

-Pruning hurts but rids of all the “junk” so that we can get to what matters

-John 15:2

5) To produce increased dependence on God rather than ourselves

-“If dependence brings us TO God, then weakness is an ADVANTAGE.”

-2 Corinthians 1:8-9

6) To give us an increased ministry to others

-meet God in the midst of our adversity; minister to others as a result of what we’ve been through

-2 Corinthians 1:3-4

7) To help us long for Heaven and cling to Christ

-“Heaven Song” by Phil Wickham

-2 Corinthians 4:16-18

8) To produce within us Perseverance and lasting joy

-Sometimes the most loving thing that God does for us is let us walk through adversity so that in the end we develop perseverance!

-James 1:2-4

9) To give us the ability to embrace that God’s grace is sufficient

-What we think is relief of adversity is the embrace of His grace!

-2 Corinthians 12:1-10

10) To know that Christ would be glorified and treasured above ALL else

-In my weakness, your power is made PERFECT!

-John 16:33

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