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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's been a special day...

1st thing.. CrossFit 27:17 became an affiliate 1 year ago today! Great job athletes for working hard!

2nd thing.. thing WOD
3 rds
5 Clean and Jerk, 135/95#
30yrd Shuttle run (3 trips)
20 KB Swings, 2pd/1.5pd
15 Box Jumps, 24"/20"

Nichols was my best friend growing up (lived next door to me) all the way through high school. He was an incredible go who loved Christ and people. He was a great athlete, smart, and talented. On January 19th 2004 Nichols took his own life. So I named this WOD in honor of him smiling down on CrossFit 27:17 and blessing me and the gym. So I say a thanks to all those who were there today and competed in this WOD in honor of him and pushing yourselves for him and I want to encourage all of you who will be there tomorrow to also compete in this WOD. It is not an easy workout but it would mean the world to me if you would give just a little bit extra on this one in honor of Nichols. Please take some time to pray for his family and all the other people out there who are struggling with the loss of loved ones.

This is Nichols junior year class picture, explains him well.. always putting a smile on everyone's face!

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