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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Online Coaching

The CrossFit Games 2012 will come to an end tonight after all the scores are turned it. Now is a turning point in your training program. Either you are getting ready to peak for regionals or you are beginning your off-season for 2013. If you did not do as well in this years Open as you had home you may considering getting a coach.

I offer online program design for athletes of all caliber. Right now is THE BEST time to get with a coach and start your training for 2013. I have my OPT-CCP certification in Assessment and Program Design and can help you have a smart program that goes through different training phases to help you be the best you can be when the time matters. The best way to train for the CrossFit Games is NOT simply crushing your self with workouts every day or 3x a day. There must be a system to it, organization, a template. If you have any questions about the Personal Program design program that I offer please email me at:

Everyone needs a coach, I have one myself, Michael FitzGerald has been writing my program since January and it was the best decision I've made for myself as an athlete. But don't wait till January. Start right now to begin building your base for the 2013 season.

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