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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Training- Anaerobic Lactic Endurance

Anaerobic lactic endurance means go hard! 85-95% effort here and trying to hang on to that speed every time but it is NOT sustainable for much longer than the effort (if it takes 90 seconds that means you could not maintain that pace for more than 2 min max) You're getting a good bit of rest so go hard during the work sets

Try to keep sets under 90 seconds each. Ring dips should take about 10-20 seconds, wall balls under 40 seconds + 30 sec airdyne.. Gotta hustle!

5 sets on a 6 min clock
5-10 Unbroken Ring Dips
20 Unbroken Wall Ball, 20/15#
30 second AirDyne Sprint

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