Ok guys, we have had some questions about what exactly the meeting tomorrow night will be about and who needs to come to the meeting. First just to get it out of the way, obviously everyone who is serious about wanting to make it to regionals needs to come.
This meeting will be for anyone wanting to compete in ANY crossfit competitions INCLUDING Garage Games event or anything.
Couple things I will cover:
1) options for programming making it better for YOU!
2) why you need your own program if you are serious about competing.
3) what it takes to compete, (differs depending on what you're competing in) nutrition, sleep, mindset
4) competition mindset
5) what I want to do for YOU as a coach!
As far as standards for what you need to have already attained to attend this meeting (aka being eligible to compete). It's hard to put #'s on things b/c the workouts are so varied. I would say you need to be comfortable w/ all the standard movements and range of motion. If range of motion is an issue on anything that takes priority. Squat Snatch- probably the most technical weightlifting move that is done in CF- you need to be comfortable with this. How much weight? Not sure b/c it varies, we'll develop that capacity as we go. Rings- hardest upper body exercises. You should be fairly comfortable on rings- guys should be able to do 10 or so, girls 4 or so. Beyond that I'm not going to get into much b/c I don't want anyone to be afraid to come. Even if you have the desire to compete in 2 years I want you to come b/c you may learn something that will help you get there faster.
If you don't feel like you fit into these categories but you still want to listen that is fine. I would love for everyone to know what we're doing as coaches and as athletes to get ready for competition. I honestly believe we have some really good stuff going on in our gym and it may be 2 years from now but I think we can have a pretty strong group of competitors over time.
Please feel free to stop in and listen.