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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What is your Goat?

We all have one (or 2, 3, etc) "Goat". One of CrossFit's definition of fitness is the Hopper. This is the idea of having a big wheel with any and every exercise in it. CrossFit says someone who is fit is someone who is very good at anything that is pulled out of the hopper, maybe not the best but if they get beat in one exercise/workout they can almost guarantee they won't get beat in the next.

So back to the "goat". This is the exercise/workout(s) in the hopper that you absolutely do not won't to come out. For example the last thing I would want to come out is a dead lift/run workout. I really would want front squats and/or HSPU's to come out b/c i'm relatively good at them.

I want you to think about your "goat" and let's attack it with full force. Every day in the warm-up or cool down practice this in some form or fashion. Many of us can't get into a full Over Head Squat so this would be a great place to start. Everyone needs to be able to get into the OHS.

Post your "goat" and thoughts to comment and let's get after it!


  1. my goats are air squats, box jumps, lunges, running, and sit ups... please don't make me do these!

  2. The first thing I can think of is Push Press, then the kipping rhythm. Definitely HSPU! Reviewing, it would appear that most anything involving upper body strength.

    I would like to involve more lower body strengthening as it would help add power to my kicks and distance running.

  3. I hate handstand push ups and ring dips.

  4. Over head squats and hand stand push ups are my "bugga boos" - Step Brothers -

  5. Push ups and push ups!! Whew! They suck the life out of me!
