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Monday, October 31, 2011


Strength work
A. Over Head Squat @ 32X2; 5 x 5; rest 2 min
B. Squat Snatch- Build to heavy single (10 min or less)
C. Ring Push Ups @ 32X2 (add weight if possible)- 4 x max reps (no more than 10); rest 2 min

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Halloween WOD!

Mummie's chasing Zombie's! You partner up w/ 2 people close to the same abilities. The first person starts and the second person starts 2 minutes after the first person. The second person (mummy) is chasing the first person (zombie). If the mummy catches the zombie then the zombie does 25 burpees at the end of the wod. If the mummy doesn't catch the zombie then the mummy does 25 burpees.

For time:
Run 800m
3 rounds
10 Curtis P's, 95/65#
10 Body Blasters (burpee, pull up, knees to elbows)
Run 800m

Thursday, October 27, 2011


MAP training (max aerobic power) remember: sustainable pace is the goal here!

5 min on/3 min off x 4
10 Wall Ball 20/15#
20 Sit Ups
10 Ring Rows
20 sec Hand Stand Hold

Wednesday, October 26, 2011



A. Practice Muscle Ups/CTB Pull Ups/Ring Dips- 10 min
(If you don't have a muscle up do low rep sets of Strict Pull Ups CTB if possible or just strict pull ups, or negatives AND strict DEEP ring dips or negatives)
B. KB Swings- 3 x 20 (moderate load); rest 90 seconds (focus on getting the KB STRAIGHT up over your head!
C. AMRAP Double Unders in 10 min
D. Stretch Calves/Hips/Shoulders work on Over Head Squat Positioning (what is it that's holding you back and stretch that!)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Let's see how you can push guys, these movements are very much a mental thing. Burpees.... it's 10, don't let your self stop! Box jumps, whether you rebound or not don't let yourself stop, find a rhythm and keep it going. The runs, well they're just a run so go hard ESPECIALLY on the last one!

*no rebounding if you can not squat your bodyweight in a back squat please! This does not slow you down that much. I've seen people move really fast with a step down from the box!

5 rounds
10 Burpees
20 Box Jumps, 24/20"
Run 400m

Monday, October 24, 2011


Lactic Endurance- Sessions are getting longer and rest is getting shorter but the intensity is still there! Go hard on EVERY set!

5 sets; rest 4 min
5 Push Press Heavy
5-10 Pull Ups (CTB if possible)
30 sec AirDyne Sprint

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Strength + a touch of MAP training
The strength work today is high skill so you may not be able to get that heavy if you struggle with these movements but that is ok. Think of it as a recovery day for the rest of the week! Go hard on the MAP training, it's only 3 runs so go hard and try to maintain that hard pace!

A. Power Clean x 1/ Hang Power Clean x 1/ Hang Squat Clean x 1/ Front Squat x 2; rest 2 min x 5 sets
3 sets; rest 2 min
Max Ring Dips in 20 sec
Sprint 400m

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Recovery Aerobic Training. Stay constantly moving throughout the whole time. Focus on steady breathing and not stopping.

Warm Up
Stretch problem areas with 1 min of airdyne x 3 mixed in @ 70% effort

25 minutes NOT for rounds
50 Jump Rope (singles, running in place, crossovers, whatever)
30 Sit ups
20 KB Swings, 53/35
10 Push Ups
5 Lunges/leg

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Lactic Endurance- Go hard, Rest, Repeat

3 sets; rest 10 min
10 Burpees AFAP
25 Unbroken Wall Ball
Run 800m

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


A. Max Height Box Jump- take 10 min to build to max height box jump.
Option B is to practice box jumps if you don't want to build to a max height. The max height is for no other reason but fun!
Dead Lift, 225/155#

To be Rx'd you must use the Rx'd weight and your head much tough the ground on EVERY HSPU and come to full lock out.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Tuesday don't forget the innov8 rep is coming to stinky feet to talk to us about there shoes. They will have an assortment of different kinds there and they will be giving us a 10% discount for this week only on all innov8 shoes. This is going on AT STINKY FEET @ 5:00. We ARE HAVING 4:30 class but no other classes in the afternoon. sorry for the inconvenience

Tuesday's training is MAP training. Maintaining the same pace throughout is the goal here.

5 sets; rest 3 min
3 min time cap
Max Pull Ups w/o coming off the bar
Run 400m
Max Double Unders in the remaining time

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Strength + Lactic Training

Starting with the bar on the ground, trying to find your 1RM thruster. You can power clean then thruster or squat clean then thruster. Once you squat you can't stop at the top and push jerk it. You can move your feet for balance but no redip under the bar (as in a jerk). On the squat clean I want them to be a challenging weight but still able to move quickly.

A. Build to 1RM thruster from the ground in 10 min
4 sets; rest 4 min
5 hang squat clean challenging but fast
Airdyne Sprint 20 sec

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Anaerobic Lactic Endurance

Friday's training. Lactic endurance, longer efforts of work with a good bit of rest. The energy system that most CF workouts utilize most and needs to be trained most for a CF athlete.

In order to be Rx'd you must have arms fully extended and chin over bar on pull ups w/ no band, break parallel in your squat and ball must hit the target on the wall ball, hips must fully extend at or above the box height.

3 min amrap; rest 6 min x 4
10 pull ups
10 wall ball
10 box jumps

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Strength/Work Capacity/Skill/Volume day

Alrighty guys, today doesn't necessarily fall into an energy system. More of a strength work but with very high volume and building work capacity at high reps. Being able to go longer without breaking is very important in CrossFit so this will help build that mentality of going unbroken more.

We are going to start getting a little more strict on movements. People are being able to write Rx'd by there names but really cutting the reps short. I want everyone to be Rx'd just as bad as you do but I want you to be Rx'd with GREAT form. Ring dip standard for Rx'd is: no band, arms locked out at top and bicep touches ring at the bottom. KB Swings I want the hands over the heels at the top of the swing (don't just stick your head through your arms at the top) kettlebell does not have to be straight up but I do want it above the hands, not hanging down. Knees to elbow means exactly what is says, knees actually have to make contact with your elbow, NOT your tricep or your armpit.

If possible go for a run/bike/swim/or row on the opposite end of the day that you train. Easy pace 20 or 30 min

A1. Ring Dips- 5 x amrap in 30 seconds; rest 10 sec
A2. KB Swings- 5 x 15; rest 2 min
B. Knees To Elbow- 4 x 10; rest 1 min

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Anaerobic Alactic Training + Skill to Aerobic

Anaerobic Alactic training is something we haven't hit yet since I've been doing the wod reports on here and explaining the wod's. The anaerobic alactic energy system is similar to anaerobic lactic system but the Alactic means withOUT lactic acid (aka not as painful!). This will be very short burst of work with plenty of rest, will feel very similar to strength work!
Plus a little finisher of some skill work and a touch of conditioning.

5 sets; rest 2:30 min
3 heavy Push Press
6 Box Hurdles (box jump w/ step down if you can not squat your bodyweight)
rest 2 min
Max rep HSPU
Run 1 mile @ 80%

It is not safe to do jumping plyometrics such as box hurdles without the muscle strength to squat your bodyweight (if I weight 170lbs I need to be able to squat at least 170lbs). We will be a little more strict on this in the future to help protect from injury.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Test Day

Testing the longer time domain here (longer for crossfit, maybe not longer for our future..) We've done this before so you have something to compare to. Pretty simple, try to minimize the breaks and go unbroken as long as possible b/c the reps are small.

20 min amrap
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Strength + Anaerobic Lactate Endurance

Strength work on the Power Clean. With less than 5 seconds between reps go heavy and find a 3 rep max in less than 10 min. You can drop it from the top so let's see some PR's tom. Remember a power clean means you can drop underneath it as much as you need to as long as you don't break parallel on the squat.
Lactate Endurance work, this is going to take probably a minimum of about 2 minutes of work and for some of you a decent amount more. But you still get plenty of rest, you should be hitting this very hard, as soon as you drop that bar drop down for the burpees and as soon as you finish that last burpee take off on a 400m sprint. Hit it hard!

A. Power Clean- in 10 min or less find a 3RM
3 sets on 12 min clock
10 TnG Cl & J, 95/65#
10 Burpees AFAP
400m Run @ 95% effort

Also, on the opposite end of the day of coming to the gym try to hit a 20 or 30 min recovery run/row/bike/swim. You can come to the gym and do this if you want. This should be at about 60% effort.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anaerobic Lactate Training

Keeping it pretty simple today. Go hard for 25 seconds and rest 3:35, two different modalities. Intensity needs to be above 90% on all efforts. Stay moving during your rest so lactic acid doesn't build up too much in your legs.

4 sets; rest 3:35
25 sec Prowler Sprint
4 sets; rest 3:35
25 sec Airdyne Sprint


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Strength + Skill

Strength work so go heavy on the squats and go to failure on the max reps! Practice double unders, focus on keeping the hands low, stand tall, get a good controlled bounce not a big JUMP. I want you to be able to sneak up one someone when you're doing double unders! Quiet feet!

A1. Front Squat @ 32X2 (watch clock for tempo, don't count in your head!); 5 x 4-6 reps; rest 20 sec (go up in weight EVERY time no questions asked unless you don't get 4 reps, if you only get 3 it's ok don't go down just try again next set!)
A2. Ring Dips- 5 x AMRAP (if you can't do them unassisted then do 30 seconds worth of negatives); rest 3 min
10 min Practicing Double Under
If you're good at them practice high rep unbroken sets. ex. do as many unbroken sets of 30 in 10 min

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

MAP + Skill

This is a MAP training session (max aerobic power) with some bodyweight skill at the end. Again the goal in MAP training is sustainable out put. Throwing some weights in the mix helps you challenge those movement when your pretty fresh then get into some aerobic activity. Once you get to the last 3rounder then your just getting some good skill practice in when your tired on those movements (fatigue based training). Have fun with it and work on that breathing.
I'm giving you the freedom to chose your cyclical activity, although I may offer suggestions!

3 set; rest 2 min
10 Hang Power Snatch
Run/airdyne/row/jump rope 90 seconds
rest 2 min
3 sets; rest 2 min
10 heavy russian KB Swings
run/airdyne/row/jump rope 90 seconds
rest 2 min
3 sets; no rest
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 box jumps

Monday, October 3, 2011


Remember- bring a different mentality, it's game day so go hard. Challenge yourself especially on those burpees to not stop. Pick a pace and stay with it and just keep on getting on the ground and getting up!

For time:
Run 400m
20 Pull Ups
50 Burpees
20 Pull Ups
Run 400m

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Today is all strength work! Keep good position and move as much weight as possible. Keep the Tempo STRICT it's for a purpose, this IS how we get stronger and it IS important for measuring strength gains. In order to really know if you are getting stronger you have to know how long you have the weight under tension (time under tension, TUT). Ex. I do a 3rm back squat with no tempo at 350 one week, it takes me 7 seconds. A month from then I do 3rm back squat at 360 but it took me 10 seconds. Did I really get stronger? But if I do them both at a strict 30X0 tempo then I know my time under tension is the same which means my power output went up the second time. Trap-3 is shoulder therapy stuff so don't get scared b/c you don't know what it is!
A1. HSPU @ 32X2; 4 x 5 difficult; rest 90 sec
A2. Dead Lift @ 42X2; 4 x 3; rest 90 sec
B1. Push Press @ 22X2; 3 x 6; rest 90 sec
B2. Bulgarian Split Squat @ 3121; 3 x 8/leg; rest 90 sec
C. Trap-3 @ 30X0; 3 x 8/arm; rest 45 seconds