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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Paleo Nutrition Discussion Tuesday

I'll be having a paleo discussion tuesday night starting at 7:45. Everyone needs to try to make it to this, it will be just a brief over view of the diets and then open for discussion. We will be having these once a month at the gym from now on. Future meetings will discuss a specific part of nutrition and/or weight loss. Please come and learn about the diet and other new things going on at the gym.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This is the back wall of CrossFit Central. Very important things to understand and good to be looking at these things every day. If you have any questions about any of these things please ask.

Have a great thanksgiving everyone and look forward to a Paleo Nutrition talk next week. Nutrition is key for seeing results in your training so I hope all of you attend this meeting to learn how to get your diet dialed in. Until then train hard and eat clean!

Monday, November 23, 2009

This is James Fitzgerald and me at BBS. This is the guy who has been writing my training program on the optimum performance blog. He is truly a genius when it comes to exercise physiology and nutrition. He gave a talk on CrossFit Pain that got a standing ovation at Black Box Summit. He is an inspiration to the CrossFit Community and the Fitness Industry as a whole. I would highly advise checking out his blog frequently and search for some of his youtube video's of him training.
This guy has been a mentor for me over the past year without even knowing it. After meeting him he is even more of a mentor because he honestly cares about people's health (even his internet clients that pay him nothing). Who is your mentor and what have they taught you?

James has taught me that there is a lot more to training than just throwing random workouts at you. You must have a goal with every WOD I program and even every movement. He's taught me that I am selling Fitness/Health and not just CrossFit.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Black Box Summit Day 2

BBS day 2 has ended and my head is now spinning with ideas (and confusion). The guys here are so intelligent and enlightening on their experiences. We discussed training templates, addressing weaknesses, olympic lifting, etc.
To conclude the day we had a great round table discussion with all the coaches (teaching BBS) where the affiliates were able to ask questions. As you can see in the picture, this was when we were addressing weaknesses and all of that on the board is about this topic (a lot more to it than I thought!)

Team WOD at the end of the day was in groups of 4:
2 run 800m while other 2 do max rep pullups until the runners get back
2 doing pullups go for the run and the runners do pullups
those to finish the run and the 2 doing pullups head for their 2nd 800m run
while the other two start max rep 225lb dead lifts til the others get back
next is the same process with wall ball.

For time and reps.

Pretty brutal but not too terrible. My team got 3rd!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Black Box Summit Day 1

First day of the BBS is over and it was incredible. There is a wealth of information to be learned out here from all of the top trainers (including Tony Budding, Dave Castro, Jolie Gentry, and Freddy from HQ attending the seminar). The speakers have a ton of information on the industry from many different perspectives. Each topic covered is covered by at least 2 people to give a couple different sides of the topic which is very interesting. This allows us (the affiliates) to take what we think will work for us and use it to our advantage.

The topics we covered today were: CrossFit Brand Name in the Fitness Industry
Introduction of new clients
Striving for Excellence in your gym & programming
The importance of quality of our product
The importance of women in the CF Box

I learned a lot that we will be implementing soon especially with the quality of training and hopefully some stuff with the importance of CF women.

Check out for some short video's and pics of the BBS it will be updated during the day every hour or so with new pics and video's if you're interested.

Can you see me?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Olympic Lifting

Find 1 Rep max for Snatch
Find 1 Rep max for Clean & Jerk

Think about speed under the bar and pull hard!

Recipe:Paleo Chicken Alfredo
Paleo Chicken Alfredo
Scott Hagnas
September 2009

Alfredo sauce and pasta is about as far from Paleo nutrition as you can get. However, here is a simple way to create a Paleo version. I am using kelp noodles here, but if you cannot find them where you live, spaghetti squash is a nice seasonal alternative. Check back issues of the Performance Menu or Cooking for Health and Performance for basic spaghetti squash preparation.

Time: 45 minutes

• 1 lb chicken breast
• 1 12oz package of kelp noodles
• 4 cloves of garlic, chopped
• 2 tsp olive oil
• 2 tsp tarragon
• 1 cup cashews
• 1/2 tsp onion powder
• 1/4 tsp garlic powder
• 1/4 tsp mustard powder
• 1/4 tsp sea salt
• 1/4 tsp pepper
• 1/8 tsp paprika

Add the olive oil to a large skillet. Saute the garlic over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Chop the chicken into 1 inch cubes, then add to the skillet and cook until browned on all sides.

Rinse and chop the kelp noodles. Add them to the skillet along with the tarragon, cover and cook on low for 30 minutes. Then, pour the liquid from the skillet carefully into a small container for use in the sauce.

Add the cashews, onion powder, garlic powder, mustard powder, salt, pepper, and paprika to a blender. Cover and blend into a powder. Add the reserved pan juices slowly, blending into a thick sauce. You'll have to use a spatula to scrape down the sides of the blender periodically. Add the juices until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

Add the sauce to the skillet, then mix well. Cover and continue to cook for 10 minutes longer, until the kelp noodles have become tender.

Zone info: 4 servings at 1 carb block, 4 protein blocks, 10 fat blocks. (9g carb, 28g prot, 15.5g fat)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This could get ugly!

The Filthy Fifty

50 Box jump, 24/20 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups, finger tips reach 8 inches above bar when standing
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood/ 25lb womens
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds/20lbs
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball/15lb
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Good Luck on this one guys and girls! We'll be repeating this in 7 weeks on January 6th. Whoever decreases their time by the biggest percentage wins the challenge. There will be a girls and guys winner. No sandbagging, push hard today!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Row 500
50 Squats
40 Sit ups
30 Push Ups
20 Pullups
2 min rest and repeat

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This week's training times

This week I will be going to Austin, TX for Black Box Summit CrossFit seminar:

I'm leaving wednesday and will be gone through sunday so the times of training will be a little different. Tyler will be the trainer tuesday night and wednesday night through friday afternoon.

Monday is same as usual.
Tuesday- morning is same/ afternoon open from 5 to 7:30
Wednesday- morning is same/ afternoon open from 5 to 7:30
Thursday - morning 6 a.m. is only available morning class.
afternoon open from 5 to 7:30
Friday 5:30 and 6 a.m.. 5 to 7:30 p.m.

Sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully all of this will pay off. I'm going to be with some very knowledgeable coaches for this seminar, go to the website and check it out if you want.

Also, remember there is a meeting monday night at 7 o'clock discussing advocare. Please come if at all interested, there will be a couple more guys who have been involved with it for several years to help discuss.

Trainer WOD's Sunday

Workout 1:
For power ratio:
Row 800 m
rest 5 min
Workout 2:
7 sets (95#/60#) for time;
Power Snatch x 1
Snatch Balance x 1
OHS x 1
Hang Squat Snatch x 1
rest 5 min
Workout 3:
As many rounds (total reps) in 3 minutes;
3 chest to bar chin ups unbroken
3 push up burpees
rest 240 min
Workout 4:
For time;
50 walking lunges
20 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 ring dips
25 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10ft
30 GHD Sit Ups
30 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
75 double unders

Workout 1:
row 800m; take your avg watts for the 800m divided by your bodyweight in lbs = your score (to the first decimal place) (i.e. 360 avg watts/180 lbs = 2.0); you have exactly 5 min total rest after row until workout # 2 begins
Workout 2:
once you power snatch the 1st rep, the bar cannot rest on ground until the hang squat snatch is complete; there are 7 sets with 4 reps/set; bar must drop to upper back after power snatch then with hips completely straight you drop to full squat under bar; the hips must then straighten with bar overhead before you perform your OHS; then hips must come to full extension with bar overhead at top before you drop bar to thigh for hang squat snatch; again hips must then come to full extension with arms straight overhead at top before dropping weight to ground; time taken for 7 sets is your score; you have exactly 5 min rest after last hang squat snatch is complete before workout # 3 begins
Workout 3:
burpees - chest to deck and jump to touch object with one hand at 7' for females/8' for males at top of burpees; total reps for 3 minutes is score; you have EXACTLY on the clock 4 hours (240 min) after last rep is complete before you begin workout # 4
Workout 4:
knee grazes ground and full ext of hips at top for lunges; anyway to lockout overhead is good for clean and jerk, there has to be 2 movements (you cannot snatch it); biceps to rings and arms START and FINISH at full extension for dips; sit to ball for wall balls; 2 hands overhead for sit ups to touch ground or object when body with arms outstretched overhead; ear must be visible from side with arms overhead for swings; time taken is score

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mental Side of CrossFit

"I believe you can tell a lot about a person by how they approach the bar. Confident. Questioning. Unsure. Determined. Reckless. Cautious.

I believe you can tell even more about that person when they leave the bar. Exuberant. Angry. Self depreciating. Impressed. Proud. Contemplative."

The physical difficulties of CrossFit are often talked about (complained about) but the mental aspect is often overlooked. I believe some of the most benefits from CrossFit training are in the mental aspect. Tyler and I often talk about some of the things that fall in to the mental part of CF. Since we've been training for the games we've played with a few different things in our training such as working out- in silence, no warm up, long warm up, loud hard music, soft music, loud music & coaching cues, etc.
Try some of these things and it will test your mental strength.

Also, since training for the games we are taking our training more serious. Always trying to hit PR's and set new records is very draining and some days we just have bad days. We (and you) work to hard to dwell in frustration over not setting a record that day. Look at the positives on the day, take note and move on.

Start thinking about your mental side of CF and life in general- start adding a section in your journal about how you were mentally for that workout. That little voice in your head plays a big part on how you perform. So get your mind right and train hard.

Keep up the hard work!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Advocare Supplements Mixer

Monday night at 7 o'clock we will be have a advocare mixer at the gym. This will be an informative meeting about the supplements and the opportunity with them. If you are taking any or even thinking about it I recommend coming to this meeting. It will be a short meeting and very one on one with plenty of Q and A time.

Hope to see you all there. Invite anyone who may be interested.
Thrusters 95/65
Pull Ups

Dead Lift - 55% 1RM; 6 sets of 2; rest 45 sec
(speed on concentric)
Wall Balls - 20/14# to 10 ft - 15 reps; 30 sec rest x 3
Muscle Up practice (3-5 min)
Toes to Bar - 2 sets of 10

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Make up christine
Learn some new core exercises (turkish get ups!)

Power Snatch - 3 x 3; rest 240 sec
rest 5 min
3 rounds for time;
35 double unders
12 burpees
rest 5 min
20 back extensions x 3; rest 60 sec

post loads and times and notes to comments
OPT Big Dawg Championship #2 - Nov 14th/2009
4 workouts - one day

Monday, November 9, 2009

Clients Training:
3 rounds
Row 500m
12 Dead Lifts
21 Box Jumps

Coaches Training
part 1:
A. High Bar Back Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 240 sec
B. Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 3; rest 240 sec
C. Push Press @ 11X2; 2-3 x 3; rest 240 sec
D. GHD Sit ups @ 2020; 20 x 3; rest 90 sec

rest 4+ hours

part 2:
Row Sprint 30 sec @ 100% effort
Rest 2:30
Repeat 5 times

post loads and notes for part 1 and power ratio for part 2 to comments

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A1. Power Clean @ 11X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 180 sec
A2. Bench Press @20X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 180 sec
B1. KBS - 2pd/1.5pd amrap in 30 sec x 3; rest 90 sec
B2. HSPU @ 2020; amrap in 30 sec x 3; rest 90 sec
C. DB External Rotation @ 3010; 6-8/arm x 2; rest 45 sec b/t arms

Yesterday- Annie
Double Unders
Sit ups

3 Rounds
Run 400
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Client WOD
Grace- 30 reps Clean and Jerk

Trainer WOD
Sprint Row 30 seconds @ 100% effort
rest 2 min x 5
Rest 7 min
AMRAP Double Unders in 1 minute
rest 1 minute x 5

record avg watts for all 150 seconds of Row divided by bodyweight and double unders.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Benchmark November

As I said in earlier post this month we will be getting a lot of bench mark wod's in so get your journals ready and take notes on these wod's. Don't just post your time or score but post some comments (how did you feel, how's your nutrition, how's your sleep, etc.)

Good luck to everyone and train hard. We're opening up the Chelsea which is: every minute for 30 minutes perform 5 pull ups, 10 push, 15 squats. Go for as long as you can complete that cycle in the minute. Can you get 30 minutes??
Everyone please get their true 1RM on the 14" close grip bench press @ 30X0 tempo

Training:7 sets for total time:
10 chest to bar chin ups
15 ring dips
20 box jumps - 20/14"
25 air squats
rest 2 min b/t setspost total working time to comments
goal is high speed; try not to fraction

Dead Lift - build quickly to a heavy 1; not a 1RM effort
Hang Power Clean - build quickly to a heavy 2; not a 2RM effort
Press - build quickly to a heavy 3; not a 3RM effort
Grace practice - power clean and overhead touch and go reps
(choose a weight you can perform 5 manageable but challenging reps; rest 1 min; repeat 6 times; work on speed and good reps!)
post loads and notes to comments