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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mental Side of CrossFit

"I believe you can tell a lot about a person by how they approach the bar. Confident. Questioning. Unsure. Determined. Reckless. Cautious.

I believe you can tell even more about that person when they leave the bar. Exuberant. Angry. Self depreciating. Impressed. Proud. Contemplative."

The physical difficulties of CrossFit are often talked about (complained about) but the mental aspect is often overlooked. I believe some of the most benefits from CrossFit training are in the mental aspect. Tyler and I often talk about some of the things that fall in to the mental part of CF. Since we've been training for the games we've played with a few different things in our training such as working out- in silence, no warm up, long warm up, loud hard music, soft music, loud music & coaching cues, etc.
Try some of these things and it will test your mental strength.

Also, since training for the games we are taking our training more serious. Always trying to hit PR's and set new records is very draining and some days we just have bad days. We (and you) work to hard to dwell in frustration over not setting a record that day. Look at the positives on the day, take note and move on.

Start thinking about your mental side of CF and life in general- start adding a section in your journal about how you were mentally for that workout. That little voice in your head plays a big part on how you perform. So get your mind right and train hard.

Keep up the hard work!

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