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Monday, November 2, 2009

Everyone please get their true 1RM on the 14" close grip bench press @ 30X0 tempo

Training:7 sets for total time:
10 chest to bar chin ups
15 ring dips
20 box jumps - 20/14"
25 air squats
rest 2 min b/t setspost total working time to comments
goal is high speed; try not to fraction

Dead Lift - build quickly to a heavy 1; not a 1RM effort
Hang Power Clean - build quickly to a heavy 2; not a 2RM effort
Press - build quickly to a heavy 3; not a 3RM effort
Grace practice - power clean and overhead touch and go reps
(choose a weight you can perform 5 manageable but challenging reps; rest 1 min; repeat 6 times; work on speed and good reps!)
post loads and notes to comments


  1. 14" 30X1 bench press 1RM- 300lbs (felt solid maybe could have gone higher

    7Rounds WOD- all unbroken avg around 1:20/round
    total time w/ rest included- 22:16

    Felt good

  2. Dead Lift- 385lbs
    H.P.Clean- 205lbs
    Press- 175lbs

    Grace Practice- 155lbs (avg. 20 sec. each set)
