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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Make up christine
Learn some new core exercises (turkish get ups!)

Power Snatch - 3 x 3; rest 240 sec
rest 5 min
3 rounds for time;
35 double unders
12 burpees
rest 5 min
20 back extensions x 3; rest 60 sec

post loads and times and notes to comments
OPT Big Dawg Championship #2 - Nov 14th/2009
4 workouts - one day

1 comment:

  1. Power Snatch- 135, 155, 155
    felt no power here, i guess from the back squats yesterday

    3 RFT double unders/burpees- 2:56
    messed up on the DU's first to sets, just lack of focus
