Girls getting after some thrusters in the Franathon!
Client WOD
15 min amrap w/ 35/20# Dumb bells
10 Dead Lift
7 Hang Power Clean
5 Push Press
Farmer's walk 100m
Back Squat @ 85% (315) x 2 x 5
@ 65% (235) x 20 x 1
Run Sprints; 30 sec on, rest 2 minutes x 8
4 Sets; rest 2 minutes b/w sets
15 Unbroken Chin Ups
75 Double Unders
15 Unbroken Chin Ups
you better make yourself a sand bag or do some running holding a plate or something! I am telling you i see it in your future!
ReplyDeletewatch your mouth steve. I'm doing what I can! I plan on adding a weight vest to some runs starting next week