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Sunday, April 22, 2012


A. Over Head Squat @ 30X1- 15, 15, 15; rest 3 min
3 sets
AMRAP Pull Ups
Run 400m ALL OUT
Rest 3 min

Thursday, April 19, 2012


A. Press Cluster @ 22X0- 4.4 x 3; rest 3 min

B. Free Standing HS Tech work- 10 min


3 sets; rest 3 min

7 TnG Dead Lift @ 70% 1RM (same weight as last week)

25 sec Air Dyne Sprint

Wednesday, April 18, 2012



7 min AMRAP

10 thrusters, 75#

5 Burpees

Tuesday, April 17, 2012



A1. Strict Chin Ups @ 22X2; 3 x 3; rest 20 sec

A2. Ring Dips @ 32X0; 3 x 4-6; rest 3 min

B1. Kipping Pull Ups; 3 x amrap; rest 20 sec

B2. Ring Push Ups; 3 x amrap; rest 3 min

C. 100 sit ups for time abmat no anchor

Monday, April 16, 2012



3 sets @ high consistent aerobic effort

60 sec Row

60 sec rest

60 sec Box Jump, 30/24 step down

60 sec rest

60 sec (30 sec bear crawl, 30 sec walking lunge

60 sec rest

60 sec KB Snatch, 26/35 alternating hands every 5 reps

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



6 sets @ high consistent aerobic effort

30 sec wall ball

30 sec rest

30 sec air dyne

30 sec rest

30 sec Russian KBS, 70/53#

30 sec rest

30 sec Box Jump, 30/24 step down

30 sec rest

30 sec Row

30 sec rest

Monday, April 9, 2012



A1. Strict Chin Ups @ 22X2; 3 x 5; rest 20 sec

A2. Ring Dips @ 32X0; 3 x 6-8; rest 3 min

B1. Kipping Pull Ups; 3 x amrap; rest 20 sec

B2. Ring Push Ups; 3 x amrap; rest 3 min

C. GH Sit Ups- 3 x 25; rest 90 sec

Sunday, April 8, 2012



A. Press- build to a tough single in 10 min (NOT a 1RM, NO FAILS)


Power Clean- build to 1RM in 8 min

Rest 2 min

Power Clean @ 90% 1RM, amrap in 8 min

Thursday, April 5, 2012



3 rounds for time

Run 400m


30 KB Swings, 53/35#

Wednesday, April 4, 2012



A. Back Squat @ 13X0; 5 x 5; rest 3 min

B. Ring Dips-5 min AMRAP of set no larger than 5 reps

Tuesday, April 3, 2012



A. Press- 5 x 2; rest 2 min- start light & build to 2RM (heavier than 3RM)



Row 1000m

50 Thrusters

30 Pull Ups

Monday, April 2, 2012



5 sets

30 sec wall ball

30 sec rest

30 sec double unders

30 sec rest

30 sec box jump

30 sec rest

30 sec air dyne

30 sec rest

30 sec bear crawl

30 sec rest

Sunday, April 1, 2012



A. Press @ 65%- 8 x 3; EMOM- FAST!

B. Dead Lift @ 42X2; 5 x 5; rest 3 min

C. GH Sit Ups- 70 total; break into at least 3 sets

Thursday, March 29, 2012



5 min Double Unders

5 min Turkish Get Ups

5 min Box Jumps, 20” Step down

5 min Turkish Get Ups

*Reminder about cookout! 6 o'clock bring a chair and a side item!

*No Class saturday!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012



A. Dead Lift @ 42X2; 5 x 5; rest 3 min

B. GH Sit Ups- 60 total- break into 3 or more sets

*Friday night after class (@ 6:00) we will begin the cookout @ the gym! I will be providing burgers, please bring a side that you would like to eat. Bill is bringing his grill, if you want anything other than burgers, you can bring that to cook.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012



A. Press @ 60%- 9 x 3; EMOM- speed


10 min of Cindy

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats

Monday, March 26, 2012



3 rounds for time

20 KBS, 70/53#

20 Box Jumps, 20”

*Get after it, no pacing!

Sunday, March 25, 2012



A. Press- 5 x 3; rest 2 min- start light & build to 3RM (heavier than 5RM)


5 rounds for total time

AMRAP Ring Dips

Run 400m

Rest 60 sec

Online Coaching

The CrossFit Games 2012 will come to an end tonight after all the scores are turned it. Now is a turning point in your training program. Either you are getting ready to peak for regionals or you are beginning your off-season for 2013. If you did not do as well in this years Open as you had home you may considering getting a coach.

I offer online program design for athletes of all caliber. Right now is THE BEST time to get with a coach and start your training for 2013. I have my OPT-CCP certification in Assessment and Program Design and can help you have a smart program that goes through different training phases to help you be the best you can be when the time matters. The best way to train for the CrossFit Games is NOT simply crushing your self with workouts every day or 3x a day. There must be a system to it, organization, a template. If you have any questions about the Personal Program design program that I offer please email me at:

Everyone needs a coach, I have one myself, Michael FitzGerald has been writing my program since January and it was the best decision I've made for myself as an athlete. But don't wait till January. Start right now to begin building your base for the 2013 season.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Open WOD 12.5
7 min AMRAP
3 Thrusters, 100/65#
3 CTB Pull Ups
6 Thrusters, 100/65#
6 CTB Pull Ups
9 Thrusters, 100/65#
9 CTB Pull Ups
-ascending by 3's as far as possible

*compare to last year if you did it then!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


A. Press @ 55%- 9 x 3; EMOM
Row 250m @ 95%
rest 3 min
x 4

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Strength Work
A1. Back Squat @ 13X1; 5 x 5; 10 sec
A2. Ring Dips 22X2; 5 x amrap; 3 min
B. Back Extensions @ 4022; 3 x 15; 90 sec

Monday, March 19, 2012


For time:
50 Burpees, feet stay together (no step back or up)
100 Box Jumps, 24/20" step down
150 Double Unders (250 High Knees, 350 Singles)
Not for time:
50 GH Sit Ups broken into 3 or more sets

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Run 400m
21 KB Swings, 53/35#
12 Pull Ups

Rest 10 min

Row 1k for time

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Open WOD 12.4

12 min As many reps/rounds as possible
150 Wall Ball, 20#/14# ball to 10'/9' target
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Double Under Practice 10 min
Muscle Up Skill Transfer Practice- 8 min
Row 2k for time!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


A. Press @ 50% 1RM- 9 x 3 reps afap; EMOM
B. Hang Squat Clean @ 70% effort- 5 x 5 every 2nd minute- focus on speed out of the bottom
Air Dyne Sprint- 25 sec all out; rest 2:35 x 5

We are going to do the same thing Friday with the Open workout. Let me know if you liked how it was organized. Do you want it more organized than last week with "heats" or just leave it as first come first serve (I will go in the first group AT EXACTLY 4:30 unless y'all want me to go later, I like training earlier than later but I'll go later if you want). Post to comments your thoughts.

Also, we're going to try cooking out @ the gym after the wod friday night. I'm going to bring my grill up there and it's going to be "bring your own meat" and we'll provide the rest!

Again, post thoughts to comments!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Starting Press Cycle next week, may even have a CHALLENGE to go with it!
A. Press- find 1rm in 10 min
15 min AMRAP
Row 750m buy in
10 SDLHP, 70/53# KB
15 Walking Lunges

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Open WOD 12.3
18 min AMRAP
15 Box Jumps, 24/20" (must stand with complete control on top of box)
12 Push Press, 115/75# (shoulder to overhead anyhow, must be completely locked at finish)
9 Toes to Bar (BOTH feet must touch bar and break vertical plane when at the bottom)

*again, many of us competing in the Open will be doing to wod at 4:30. Please come support if you can. Everyone will be doing the wod during whatever class you come to.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Thursday training- lactate training on Air Dyne can be good before an aerobic tester like the Open WOD 12.3 (18 min amrap- 15 box jumps, 24/20- 12 Push Press, 115/75#- 9 Toes to Bar) which we will be doing friday. Reason being it gets a bit of lactate in the system to be used as fueling for the next training session. Plus the Air Dyne has NO eccentric loading which results in little to no soreness (muscle tissue doesn't break down very much)

5 sets; rest 3 min
5 Strict Pull Ups, weighted if possible
20 sec Air Dyne Sprint
Air Dyne or Row 8 min @ conversation pace

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Open WOD 12.3 comes out Wednesday night, this is the 3rd work out of the CrossFit Games qualifier. My schedule has been messed up the last 2 weekends so we haven't been able to make a big deal about it. This week I want to try to get a lot of people up to the gym on Friday afternoon to watch people do the workout.
I'm going to do the WOD AT 4:30 if a couple of people want to join me they can and then we will have the rest of the afternoon for everyone to do the WOD and if you can stay up there and cheer people on! I would love for a bunch of people to come up there from 4:30 to about 6 on friday afternoon to do and watch people do this workout. Even if you come to the morning classes you can hopefully come back or just come to the afternoon for this one day.

We will NOT be doing the wod in the normal classes thursday this week, friday instead. If you need to do it earlier that is fine but as a group we're doing it thursday.

Again, we'd love to have a great showing Friday night to help those of us competing and cheer us on! We may even go eat after, paleo of course!

Thursday training
MAP Training
2 sets
3 min @ high consistent aerobic effort
2 min rest
3 min @ high...
5 Push Ups
10 Box Jumps, 30/24" step down
2 min rest
3 min @ high...
Air Dyne

Monday, March 5, 2012


Strength Work
A. Clean Pull @ 115% of Clean @ 31X1- 4 x 6 reps; rest 2 min
B. Dead Lift @ 80% of Dead Lift 1RM @ 31X1; 3 x 5; rest 2 min
C. GH Sit Ups- 3 x 12; rest 2 min

Sunday, March 4, 2012


For Time
3 rounds for time
10 Thrusters, 95#
10 Pull Ups
10 Burpees

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Friday Strength Session
A1. Front Squat @ 32X0 (strict NO pause at the top); 5 x 5; rest 10 sec
A2. Kipping Pull Ups; 5 x max reps (-5); rest 3 min (max reps but stay away from failure)
*if you can't do strict pull ups- do 5 Negatives instead (if negatives are easy, add weight)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Warm Up-

Burgener Warm Up w/ PVC Pipe

Hang Power Snatch- 135/75 x 3 reps

Snatch- 135/75 x 3 reps

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs)
Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)

If you cannot do the RX'd weight we will scale it down so that you are able to at least attempt 3 different weights

Option 2

A. Hang Power Snatch- 3 x 3; rest 2 min

B. Hang Squat Snatch- 3 x 3; rest 2 min

C. Snatch- build to a heavy single

Tuesday, February 28, 2012



After a good warm up- This workout is designed to be constant movement, start out at a steady pace and hold on to it the whole time! It's going to get uncomfortable, embrace it and keep going!

10 rounds for time
4 Burpees
6 KB Swings
8 Wall Ball

*compare to 2/2/12

Monday, February 27, 2012


Tuesday Strength Work

A1. Dead Lift @ 33X1; 5 x 5; rest 30 sec
A2. Pull Ups @ 22X0 (weighted if Possible); 5 x 5; rest 2 min
B. Toes to Bar- 40 for time

Sunday, February 26, 2012


For time
Row 1000m
10 Push Press, 155/105#
20 Over Box Jumps, 24"
30 KB Swings, 70/53#
40 Double Unders
30m OH walking Lunge 45/25#

Scaled RX
Row 500m
10 Push Press, 95/65
20 Box Jumps, 20"
30 KB Swings, 53/35#
100 Single Unders
30m OH walking Lunge 25/15#

Thursday, February 23, 2012



A1. Pull Ups @ 22X0; 5 x 5; 10 sec (add weight if possible)
A2. Bulgarian Split Squat @ 31X1; 5 x 5/leg holding KB/DB's; 3 min rest

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Open WOD 12.1

Real exciting WOD for the opening of 2012 CF Games Open
7 min AMRAP


We will do some skill/technique work before this workout

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


A. Dead Lift @ 65% 1RM- 10 x 2; EMOM
5 sets; rest 3 min
20 sec Air Dyne Sprint @ 100%

The CrossFit Games Open @ CF 27:17

Ok guys and gals, a lot of you have had questions about the CrossFit Games Open Qualifier. I'll try to answer most of them here, if you have any others please feel free to comment or ask me in person.

What is it? It's the first round of qualifiers for the CrossFit Games (the big show that you may have seen on ESPN) We will have 5 workouts announced on Wednesday night for 5 weeks. The workout must be completed by Sunday evening of that week. You can video your workout and do it on your own or you can do it at an affiliate with a judge. You will submit your score and I (the affiliate owner) will verify your score each week.

Do you need to sign up? It depends I'm not going to say EVERYONE needs to sign up b/c I don't think that is the case. Yes, it would be cool to have 30 people sign up BUT I'm more concerned with the health of our gym. We WILL do the wod's each week on Thursday during class, but we will NOT be doing the Rx'd just b/c it's the CF Games Open like last year. If you need to scale it then we'll scale it, no shame in that. If you have any desire to compete EVER in this or a more local event (Garage Games) then I would recommend signing up just for the experience.

When are we doing the WOD's? Each person must have a judge for the WOD's. I want there to be good crowd's to cheer everyone on. The more people involved, the more energy will be in the gym to make those of us competing push a little bit harder.
That being said, the wod's are announced on Wednesday night so I think the best time to do them will be Friday night or Saturday morning. If you can't make either of these times then we'll set up a separate time for you to do it during a class.

Saturday morning is when I will be doing the workouts each week. Hopefully this will be a good time for everyone. We will still have class on Saturdays, but the schedule may change a little week by week. We may even do a cookout or something after the last workout just to have a little fun.

So if your free, plan on coming to the gym each Saturday (for the month of March) to support the competitors and/or help judge. This weekend there will NOT be class at the gym unless you need to do the Open wod in which Clovis will be there. After this weekend, we will have the big show on Saturdays!

Monday, February 20, 2012


5 sets; rest 90 sec
AMRAP Pull Ups (no more than 25, no less than 10)
20 Unbroken Wall Ball, 20/14#

Sunday, February 19, 2012


A. Press @ 22X1; 3-2-2-1-1; 2 min
*building to 1RM
5 rounds for time
10 Knees to Elbow
15 Box Jumps, 24/20"

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Lactate Endurance x 2

Part 1
Power Clean, 115/75#

20 min from when you STARTED part 1

Part 2
30 Thrusters, 95#
Run 400m (or Row 500m)

*both of these should be using a weight that is really close to being able to do them unbroken. You will NOT use 115# if your max power clean is 135#

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


CF Tester

15 min AMRAP
7 KB Swings, 53/35#
7 Lunges/leg
7 Ring Push Ups

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


CP Squat/Pull Up
A1. Front Squat @ 32X2; 5 x 2; 10 sec (heavier than last week)
A2. Pull Ups; 5 x 22/12; 3 min (2 more than last week if you completed all sets unbroken of 20/10)
5 min Double Under Practice

Monday, February 13, 2012


Valentine's Day Partner WOD

With a partner complete the following
5 rounds for time
50 partner wall balls
50 sit up ball toss
Wheel barrow walk down & back each in the gym

*if you're doing this alone then do the following:
5 rounds for time
30 Wall Ball
30 Sit Ups w/ Med Ball over head
15 Wall Walks

Sunday, February 12, 2012


LB Pull/UB Press + Aerobic
A1. Dead Lift @ 13X1; 3 x 5; 90 sec
A2. Press @ 13X1; 3 x 8; 90 sec
42-30-18 Box Jumps, 24/20"
21-15-9 Push Ups

Thursday, February 9, 2012


CrossFit Tester
15 min AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Wall Ball, 20/14"
15 Box Jumps, 20/14"

*Yes I want the box jumps being 20" for male, 14" for female if possible. I want this to be a lot of reps and I want the box jumps to be fast. If we can't get enough boxes close to 14" then we'll work with that. May use plates.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


CP Strength + MAP Runs
A. Dead Lift @ 10X0 @ 65% 1RM- 2 reps EMOM for 10 min
B. Weighted Ring Push Ups @ 32X1- 25/10#- AMRAP x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Run 400m; rest 45 sec x 4

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Anaerobic Lactate Endurance

4 sets @ 95%; rest 7 min
8 Squat Clean Thruster, 75/55#
10 KB Swings, 70/53#
12 Burpees AFAP

Endurance Training
Run 400m @ 90%; rest 3:30 x 6

Monday, February 6, 2012


MAP Training
4 sets @ high/consistent/aerobic effort
60 sec Air Dyne
60 sec walk/rest
60 sec Box Jumps, 24/20" step down
60 sec walk/rest
60 sec (30 sec bear crawl/30 sec walking lunges)
60 sec walk/rest
60 sec Double Unders
60 sec walk rest

Sunday, February 5, 2012


A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 5 x 3; rest 10 sec
A2. Pull Ups- 5 x 20/10 Unbroken; rest 3 min
Double Unders
30 sec on/30 sec off x 8

Endurance Training
5 sets
60 sec Run
60 sec walk
60 sec Run
60 sec walk
60 sec (30 sec Lunge/30 sec Bear Crawl)
60 sec walk

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Dead Lift Speed + Ring Push Ups volume + MAP Runs
A. Dead Lift @ 60% 1RM- 2 reps x 10 EMOM focus on speed off the ground, NOT TnG
B. Ring Push Ups @ 30X0; max reps x 4 sets; 60 sec
Run 400m @ 90%; rest 60 sec x 4

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Tester to be done thursday or friday if you miss thursday!

10 rounds for time
4 Burpees
6 KB Swings, 70/53#
8 Wall Ball, 20/14#

*goal is sub 10 and it's going to hurt

-This is designed to be an aerobic tester meaning the reps are low so you should be able to move through these movements for 10 rounds without breaking. Obviously, not everyone will be able to do that which means it won't be an AERobic tester for everyone, but that's ok. We'll retest it later and see how our aerobic engine has improved.

*Side note- This type of workouts need to be feeling really good by the Open Qualifier if you're looking to qualify for the games. Your aerobic engine has to be set as your base and from now on you must start building your LACTATE ENDURANCE engine in order to peak sometime during the open, IF your main goal is just to make it to regionals that is. If you're wanting to peak for the Regionals with assuming you're going to make it through the Open without being in tip top shape then you have more time to build that Lactate endurance engine.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


4 sets @ 95%; rest 6 min
15 Thrusters, 75/55#
10 Pull Ups AFAP
15 sec Air Dyne Sprint

Endurance Training for "Run for Air"
Run 200m @ 97%; rest 4 min x 6

Monday, January 30, 2012


A1. Front Squat @ 30X1; 5 x 5; rest 10 sec
A2. Pull Ups; 5 x amrap; rest 3 min
Run 800m
Row 1000m
Air Dyne 1.5 miles

Endurance Training For "Run for Air"
5 sets
30 sec 90% aerobic effort
30 sec walk
30 sec 90% aerobic effort
30 sec walk
30 sec fast walking lunges
30 sec walk

5 sets
30 sec Box Jump, 24/20 step down
30 sec walk
30 sec walking lunges
30 sec walk
30 sec bear crawl
30 sec walk
30 sec KB Swings, 53/35
30 sec walk

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Garage Games event- Coach's eye

We had the MS CrossFit's Crossroads Garage Games this weekend. I chose not to participate and take the Coaches position for the weekend. We had several competitors participating. I'm not going to right a long post on this but I just wanted to touch on it. It is VERY different being on this side of the competition. I really enjoyed it. There are a couple of athletes I have that I have recently started personal programming for and it was neat seeing them out there compete. I had a different since of care about there performance.

I was very impressed with ALL of my athletes who competed. No matter what place they came in I know they gave everything they had! They left it out there and that's all you can ask for as a coach. I fully believe in the motto- Full Effort = Full Victory!
So proud of all of the 27:17 athletes!

Next, it was different hearing myself say all of my own thoughts that I have going into workouts to another competitor to help them. This helped me as a coach b/c I was watching the performances from EVERYONE for a different reason. I was not just watching who finished first. I was watching for- why are they stopping? what is causing them to stop? breathing? muscle fatigue? technique? how bad are the fighting? did they pace enough? too much? I really learned a lot about being a coach and an athlete I think. I hope my athletes learned not only from what I had to say to them before and after events but also from there performances.

Lastly, I hope my athletes learned a little bit about there character this weekend. When you compete in an event like this or anything for that matter, you MUST, absolutely must understand that this DOES NOT DEFINE you! For my sake, I'm a christian and CHRIST defines me, if your not then I'm not sure what does define you but it's not a little competition in ridgeland MS. Competition is in the end for fun and for growth, not only as an athlete but as a character, as a man or women!
If you can't accept failure then you'll never achieve success!

Again, extremely proud of everyone who competed and those of you who did BETTER TAKE A REST DAY or 2!

Coach Mike

Thursday, January 26, 2012


12 min AMRAP
5 Wall Ball
7 Burpees
9 Box Jumps

Garage Games Competitors
Rest and Get Prepped!
My suggestion is tomorrow night have a big healthy dinner with plenty of protein and carbs (sweet potato, white potato, rice, etc. still no gluten)
Depending on how early you wake up before you first wod saturday morning eat a little protein and some simple carbs, maybe banana or potato or oatmeal if your used to it.

Throughout the day you'll need some chicken or something easy just in case you get real hungry but most of your day will be smaller protein shakes and easy carbs such as potatoes, applesauce, banana, maybe gatorade if your used to it. Same thing on sunday.

Saturday night should be a big meal similar to friday nights!

Beyond that eat what your used to. Don't through something completely new in your gut on competition day, now is not the time for change. Just do what you do!

Good luck to all!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


A1. Dead Lift @ 42X2; 5 x 5; rest 20 sec
A2. Ring Dips @ 30X0; 5 x amrap; rest 3 min

Garage Games Comp Wod
Air Dyne @ Z1 for 5-10 min
20 min
Mobility Work/Technique work on anything you need to practice
Air Dyne @ Z1 for 5-10 min

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


5 min @ 80-85%
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 box jumps, 20"
2 min rest
5 min @ 80-85%
6 wall ball
4 burpees
2 toes to bar
2 min rest
5 min @ 80-85%
12 walking lunges
2 min rest
5 min @ 80-85%
2 Down and backs in the gym
15 sit ups

Endurance WOD for 5k Feb 25th
Run 200m @ 95% x 5; rest 5 min

Garage Games Comp Wod
3 sets; rest 5 min
8 Over Head Squat AFAP w/ comp weight
Sprint 100m
3 sets; rest 5 min
5 Power Clean, AFAP w/ comp weight
10 Bar-Facing Burpees AFAP

Monday, January 23, 2012


4 set; rest 6 min
4 Heavy Squat Clean
12 Heavy KB Swings
30 sec Air Dyne Sprint

Garage Games Competitors
A. Back Squat- 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min
B. Ground to Over Head w/ weight for comp- 3 x 5 afap; rest 60 sec
Row Sprints
20 sec @ 100%
rest 1:40
x 5

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Ok, I'm going to start writing a basic endurance program on here you can follow if you want. I will choose different local events to "peak" for. Hopefully this will soon turn in to an endurance class that will be held once or twice a weak. In this class we will go over technique of running, why you do different types of runs, breathing, and how to train and eat to PR in races.

The first event we will be peaking for is the Run for Air race that is a 5k where the middle mile is through the stadium of Trustmark park. Benefitting Lung Cancer.

Let me know if you are interested in an endurance class by posting to the comments on facebook or here.

Monday WOD
A. Press Cluster- x 4; rest 3 min
Pull Up Ladder- 1 to 5 x 4 sets for time
*if you don't have 5 unbroken pull ups you'll do 4 sets of 5 Negatives.

3 min warm up easy run
30 sec @ 90%
30 sec walk
x 15
3 min cool down
*goal is to maintain same pace during every 30 sec effort

Thursday, January 19, 2012


MAP training
5 min @ 85%
30 double unders
5 toes to bar
rest 3 min
5 min @ 85%
Run 150m
5 Burpees
rest 3 min
5 min @ 85%
30 Double Unders
5 pull ups
rest 3 min
5 min @ 85%
5 push ups
10 sit ups
15 squats

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This is Nichols yearbook picture from our junior year of high school! Read about him below please!

Big Day! 3 year anniversary for CrossFit 27:17! God has been so good to me and our gym gym over the years. He has completely amazed me with the blessing of people and good times. I pray He continues to bring people in so that I can hopefully be a blessing in more lives and other people can be a blessing in my life. Also, so my clients can be a blessing to more people! Thank you all for everything you do for the gym, you'll never know how much you mean to me!

3 rds
5 Clean and Jerk, 135/95#
30yrd Shuttle run (3 trips)(3 trips in the new gym)
20 KB Swings, 2pd/1.5pd
15 Box Jumps, 24"/20"

Nichols was my best friend growing up (lived next door to me) all the way through high school. He was an incredible guy who loved Christ and people. He was a great athlete, smart, and talented. On January 19th 2004 Nichols took his own life. So I named this WOD in honor of him smiling down on CrossFit 27:17 and blessing me and the gym. So I say a thanks to all those who perform this WOD in honor of him and pushing yourselves for him. It is not an easy workout but it would mean the world to me if you would give just a little bit extra on this one in honor of Nichols. Please take some time to pray for his family and all the other people out there who are struggling with the loss of loved ones.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


4 sets; rest 7 min
15/10 Pull Ups
20 unbroken wall ball
25 sec Air Dyne @ 100%

Monday, January 16, 2012


Power Clean, 135/95
Bar facing burpees

Sunday, January 15, 2012


A. Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk- 1.2.3 x 5; rest 3 min
B. Knees to Elbow; 3 x 10; rest 90 sec

Thursday, January 12, 2012


A1. HSPU- 3 x 5 tough; rest 10 sec
A2. Strict Pull Ups- 3 x 5 weighted if possible; rest 2 min
Good snatch warm up, tech work and stretch out before doing the 7 min amrap.
7 min amrap
1-5 hang snatch ladder, 95/65#
(1 hang SQUAT snatch drop bar, 2 hang squat snatch drop bar, 3... up to 5 then start back at 1. 1-5 = 1 round)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


MAP Training (max aerobic power)
3 min @ high aerobic effort
5 pull ups
10 squats
3 min walk rest
3 min @ high aerobic effort
5 ring dips
10 Box Jumps w/ step down
3 min walk rest
3 min @ high aerobic effort
5 burpees
10 sit ups
3 min walk rest
3 min @ high aerobic effort
5 toes to bar
20 high knee jump rope
3 min walk rest
3 min @ high aerobic effort
5 ring push ups
10 KB Swings, 53/35

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


3 sets @ 100%; rest 8 min
5 Front Squat (from the ground)
15 Unbroken Wall Ball, 20/15#
45 sec Air Dyne

Monday, January 9, 2012


Finally, Strength work!!!

A1. Press/Push Press/Split Jerk- 1.2.3 x 5; rest 10 sec
A2. Strict Pull Ups @ 22X0; 5 x 5; rest 4 min

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tester for Michelle Robinson's Birthday! 2 of her favorites!

KB swings, 53/35
Box Jumps, 24/20

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Power Clean, 135/95#
Ring Dips

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Recovery day for the week!

Double Unders
Sit Ups

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Run 400m
15 OHS, 95/65#

Competition Crew

Ok guys, we have had some questions about what exactly the meeting tomorrow night will be about and who needs to come to the meeting. First just to get it out of the way, obviously everyone who is serious about wanting to make it to regionals needs to come.
This meeting will be for anyone wanting to compete in ANY crossfit competitions INCLUDING Garage Games event or anything.
Couple things I will cover:
1) options for programming making it better for YOU!
2) why you need your own program if you are serious about competing.
3) what it takes to compete, (differs depending on what you're competing in) nutrition, sleep, mindset
4) competition mindset
5) what I want to do for YOU as a coach!

As far as standards for what you need to have already attained to attend this meeting (aka being eligible to compete). It's hard to put #'s on things b/c the workouts are so varied. I would say you need to be comfortable w/ all the standard movements and range of motion. If range of motion is an issue on anything that takes priority. Squat Snatch- probably the most technical weightlifting move that is done in CF- you need to be comfortable with this. How much weight? Not sure b/c it varies, we'll develop that capacity as we go. Rings- hardest upper body exercises. You should be fairly comfortable on rings- guys should be able to do 10 or so, girls 4 or so. Beyond that I'm not going to get into much b/c I don't want anyone to be afraid to come. Even if you have the desire to compete in 2 years I want you to come b/c you may learn something that will help you get there faster.

If you don't feel like you fit into these categories but you still want to listen that is fine. I would love for everyone to know what we're doing as coaches and as athletes to get ready for competition. I honestly believe we have some really good stuff going on in our gym and it may be 2 years from now but I think we can have a pretty strong group of competitors over time.

Please feel free to stop in and listen.

Monday, January 2, 2012


100 Pull Ups
100Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats

75 Power Snatches, 75/55#